Real Talk about Selling My House
This has to be the most emotional I’ve ever been writing a blog post, but for the better or for the worse, I’m going to have to put this down. The last four weeks of my life have been – for internet friendliness – not so fun. My husband and I have put our house on the market officially today and the road to get here was nothing short than terrible.
If you are thinking of selling your home, think about it some more, then think about it even more, then maybe do it. Our realtor and friend Jason told us that for him as well the experience was intense, and so has everyone I talked to. Putting your home on the market is a nightmare for the shear fact that you have to literally clean, paint and scrub until you want to turn blue or in my case, have your third glass of wine.
It will test you, and it tested me to a point today of pure emotional incomprehension. I literally was scrubbing my basement floor of Zelda’s muddy paws, ugly crying, holding my chest as if my heart were going to leap out and mock me, and wishing that this process had never started or in fact that I even had been so dumb as far as to buy this place in the beginning.
After what felt like hours of pure crazy classic emotional intensity, I was able to see the light with one email- an email that showed me all the potential places that I could maybe move into. Insert sigh sound effect.
The first time we looked at houses, we were so young! Early twenties young. If the place didn’t smell like cat piss and the floor was straight, it was a gem. I’m really hoping I didn’t jinx myself, but I think we’re about to move on, move on to something great and wonderful.
While our house hopefully gets hundreds of offers, we will be at my aunt’s house and in the woods of Northern Minnesota, doing things like in the picture above with my sweet, sweet Zelda. A good old dose of nature is exactly what we need. Get me out of this house, get me out of my head, and get me into a sleeping bag under the stars, please!
This week has been an absolute mess, but it’s about to be over, and although I’ve been slackin this week on bloggin and being a girl boss, I have to say come 6pm, I’m turning off my phone, my computer, and anything that I have to think about.
Have a great weekend everyone, peace out!