New Yoga Teaching Schedule
I started teaching yoga in 2010. After graduating from a 200 hour power yoga teacher training at Corepower Yoga in Minneapolis, I leapt right into the yoga world and taught at as many studios as possible, and believe me, I was all over the twin cities area. My first ever yoga teaching job was at a studio out in Woodbury where I maybe would get 2-4 students each class. I also taught in Bloomington, Edina, Maple Grove, St. Louis Park, and Uptown. My commute was crazy and everyday my schedule was spastic. It was also very exciting and I loved what I was doing, I don’t regret a thing.
A few years later, I was teaching in less studios but around 12 classes a week while starting up my photography business, and my life was split between these two worlds pretty evenly. Each year as my business grows (knocking on all the wood and crossing all fingers and toes), I have to cut back my teaching life more and more, and with my upcoming wedding season, I’m blessed to be busier than ever.
It’s so exciting, I’m absolutely elated with what’s to come, it’s literally a dream come true. The down side to this growth is that I have to make room for it, which means I’m going to be cutting some of my favorite long time yoga classes from my schedule, classes I’ve had for years and years.
Starting April 17, I will no longer be teaching at ONX. I came on many years ago when the studio was called Sparrow, and despite the format changing, I’ve always had a Tuesday morning class. I love these students dearly, and most of them have stayed with me in this same time slot since I started. To all those yogis and fellow staffers- know I will miss you! I’m hoping that I can pop in and say hello here and there, especially November when my season slows down.
Starting April 1st, I will no longer be teaching my Sunday night Candlelight at CPY Uptown. This one still hurts a bit to think about. I love this class and have had it somewhere between 5-6 years. That’s a long time!!! It’s been a joy and privilege to end my weekend with all these great yogis and I’m bummed that this no longer blends with my schedule.
The good news- I still will teach a handful of classes a week- so come yoga with me please! I am subbing a bit at studios until May, so keep your eyes pealed, but you can find me at the following below:
Mondays- Corepower Highland Park
9am- sculpt
2pm- C2 (power yoga)
Wednesdays- Corepower Uptown
930am – C2 (power yoga)
530pm – C2 (power yoga)
Thursdays Corepower Highland Park
9am- C2 (power yoga)
I hold onto my classes for a long long time, and it pains me to leave any of them, but change is inevitable. Who knows, something might change at the studios and my schedule could change again. It’s hard to let go, but sometimes you just have to trust that things are unfolding the way they are going to.
Hope to see you on your mat soon! Let’s stretch together this spring and summer!