We’re Moving ….. to Minneapolis !
Big changes since last week…… we’re moving and I don’t know what punctuation I should use to end that sentence, so I’m just gonna put a period right here . It’s exciting, it’s scary, it’s sad, it’s great, and so on.
How did we get here? It all started when a dear friend told us her neighbor’s are moving. My husband and I love that neighborhood and also, it would be so awesome to have your close friends as next door neighbors. Anyways, we of course haven’t seen the house or have this as a firm deal, but figured we would have to sell our house first and so has begun the process.
We’ve lived in our home for seven years and have loved it. Our mortgage is dirt cheap – like we will never find anything like this again – our house is nice and big, we have a huge yard, it’s all gravy. However, it is a starter home in the way that it has only one bathroom. We also really need a change of scenery. I love the location of our neighborhood because it is so easy to get around, but we need a change from the actual neighborhood if we’re ever going to expand our Knox clan.
We set a goal of 5 weeks to have our home ready for the market, so we’ve started going through our stuff. We figured we start in the back of the basement since that’s where most our storage is and if we are storing it, does that mean we really need it? The answer to the question was mainly no, we found a lot of weird things, and to be expected.
My favorite thing I found was a gift- the Crayola Color Explosion Glow Dome. This thing is awesome, it lights up, spins, and glows. It still had a drawing from when it was last used at Electric Forest 2012. Wow, good times in the mid twenties! I’m sad to donate it, but it needs to move onto a better home. I’m sure we will find more treasures as we dig into the other 6 rooms of our house, yikes!
Besides going through all of our stuff, we are really rolling the dice with this move. We have to sell before we buy, so we could end up without our own place until we can find something. Not stressful or scary at all, but something is pushing us out the door.
It’s a great time to sell, people are paying top dollar, so we will get the best return on our investment then be able to use that to put a down payment on another Minneapolis home, so that’s great. But we have also felt it on our bones, and for me, my gut, it’s time to close this chapter and start another.
I hate change, it makes me sad sometimes. I have cried several times already thinking about leaving, but again, something keeps telling me this is right, this is good. My husband is all about it, he tells me he’s “so ready to get out of here.”
Well, that’s it for now, I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to share about this crazy experience. We got on the rollercoaster and put on the seatbelt, here we go!