Yoga for Creative Entrepreneurs
It’s easy as an entrepreneur to hide behind your work and screen – I do this all the time. I wouldn’t say I’m introverted, I’m very outgoing, but I find networking with others is often scary and forced. For the past year, I’ve been longing for a way to connect with other creative entrepreneurs on a deeper level. Since we all serve others so often (and love doing it) I thought it might be nice to gather together and serve ourselves. Before you start thinking, “that sounds selfish,” in order for us to give everything to our clients, we have to be full and energized enough to give. So how can we fill our cups? How can we find that strength, compassion, and calmness that our clients need when sometimes we are running on empty? Why not through yoga.
I’ve taught yoga part time for eight years and have been practicing for more than a decade. Yoga has always been a source of finding what I need so I can better serve others, and I think it would do all of us a lot of good to gather together and do some together.
The first two Yoga for Creative Entrepreneurs were a smashing success! The third installment will be on 1/15 7pm. I’ll be hosting this in my photography studio at 77 13th ave NE. It will be an all levels vinyasa style flow by candlelight. Attending the class is free, but this time, I am encouraging all attendees to bring something to donate to the Simpson Housing Service. They provide shelter to those in need and are currently accepting anything new with the list below, and I’ll drop off all of our items together.
- Maxi pads & tampons
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Razors
- Shaving cream
- Foot powder
- Deodorant
- Disinfectant spray for shoes & feet
- Lotion
- Q-tips
- Facial tissue
- Combs & brushes
- African American hair & skin care products
- Toilet paper
- Bar soap
- Coffee
- Hot cocoa packets
- Milk
- Cereal
- Tea bags
- Non-refrigerated juice
- Instant breakfast cereal
- Infant formula
If you are interested in attending, reach out below. You do not need to be a full time creative entrepreneur to attend, but the idea with this meet up is help those who serve others constantly recharge. If you have a creative mind that aims to do good in the world through art, wellness, your business, or side hustle, you are so welcome! So reach out and I’ll add you to the list and answer any questions you may have.
I really hope to see you on your mat!
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